Sunday, February 12, 2012


Some basics of the Horsewomanship Method.

Horses need to know when they are successful and are pleasing us. We often let them know when they are “wrong” but forget to tell them when they are “right”. Elaborate praise isn’t necessary every time. A simple pat or touch on the neck conveys our approval and even the cessation of an aid will be perceived as a reward. And when your horse offers something brilliant and awesome – hug, praise, treat and kiss him and hop off for the day. He will really remember what pleased you so!

There are literally hundreds of training/schooling methods out there. Most young horses are started with halter work, being taught to lead and tie safely; moving on to longe and long reining before being mounted (all the verbal aids are in place as are basic rein aids). A foundation of clarity and consistency has built trust and the desire to respond correctly into the young horse.

The methods and principles we are exploring here so far apply to the horse that has been raised around people. He has been handled all his life. His INSTINCTS are overcome by his conditioning by humans and his faith in those human beings. This horse will look to you for direction and reassurance in all but the most frightening of situations. Even then, he will be less at the mercy of fear than would be his cousin who has never seen a human or, worse yet, has faced abuse at the hands of a person.

A horse from a totally feral state of existence has his own “language” that he has learned and practiced only with other horses. Our horses from human homes have learned our “languages” as well and can read us in most cases, understanding what we mean to communicate. The wild horse placed into human hands must feel as if he has been dropped onto Neptune or Saturn and is being shouted at in some incomprehensible tongue. Time (often years), patience and compassion are required to gain the trust and cooperation of such a horse. If you are working with a WILD horse, you need to learn as much “horse language” as you can so that you can approach him just as a herd member or his dam would. This will help override the immediate switch to instinct and “fight or flight” that happens with these equines when human contact is made.

If a horse has suffered at the hands of a person, it is an even longer road to recover the trust and desire to please. But, when you have become trustworthy in the eyes of such a horse and he realizes what love, health, comfort and security feel like – he can become your dedicated ally for life.

No matter what your horse’s background; no matter what your goals are for him and for yourself… take things one step at a time. It is the PROCESS, not the destination that matters in Horsewomanship. If you build a strong foundation with your schooling, you will be able to return to it (to those basics) whenever you encounter problems. If you have trouble at one jump, simplify it (lower it) and approach at a trot to show your horse exactly where the base is. If you are struggling with trot shoulder-in, go back to walk shoulder-in and practice 20 meter circles at the trot for awhile. Use your foundation to explain to and prepare your horse for each step within his schooling.

Think of your aids as a language with him. Take the time to prepare him for every instruction and keep the dialog going. Don’t just drop him into a vacuum after each movement and then expect his undivided attention when you grab the reins for his next “command”! Envision a FLOW of conversation and energy that “dances” the two of you from one movement to the next.

All horses need to be clearly told what it is that we expect from them – moment to moment – day by day. They need CONSISTENCY in all aspects of their lives because they are creatures of habit and routine. They just want to understand us and participate with us.

When your horse has no concern about whether or not he will be able to survive or if he will be treated with kindness – then he can truly focus on you and the partnership.

Horses Heal Us

If you can get you out of the way when you come to your horse, he will show you how to shift your position within the field to a place that supports and nurtures your soul. It's all about how you feel and you empower those feelings and they create your reality and your horse is ready to show you how to feel magnificent.

Compassion not Compulsion

In all of our relationships, the light of integrity is held by Compassion. If we consider something other than our own motives and agendas, we can open to living a real life outside of the world of illusion. With animals, we will establish communication instead of domination. With loved ones, we will share our very souls. With humanity, we will become beacons of reason and unconditional love. We will shift ourselves and those who resonate with Nature to a higher kind of love and life where the demoralizing of others is simply not accepted.

be a lamp unto yourself

be a lamp unto yourself