Monday, June 24, 2013

Each Unique

My sweet white horse, Majic (who is technically gray) is unique in many ways. One thing that happened several years ago when I boarded him at a friend's stable proved how different he was from her two geldings! She put out multiple piles of grass hay on the 5 acres the horses roamed. The piles were kept large and her horses just grazed as needed and wandered around the field... catching shade, drinking, playing and the like.

Well, Majic did not understand that natural grazing on the big hay piles concept and he just ate until the hay was gone. Our agreement was that I paid for the bales over what she used to put out each month for her horses. Crikey! I ended up paying for twice the hay her horses had been eating and Majic became a balloon!!

What this taught me was a lesson I learn over and over throughout my life - we are all, equine & human, individuals!

Horses Heal Us

If you can get you out of the way when you come to your horse, he will show you how to shift your position within the field to a place that supports and nurtures your soul. It's all about how you feel and you empower those feelings and they create your reality and your horse is ready to show you how to feel magnificent.

Compassion not Compulsion

In all of our relationships, the light of integrity is held by Compassion. If we consider something other than our own motives and agendas, we can open to living a real life outside of the world of illusion. With animals, we will establish communication instead of domination. With loved ones, we will share our very souls. With humanity, we will become beacons of reason and unconditional love. We will shift ourselves and those who resonate with Nature to a higher kind of love and life where the demoralizing of others is simply not accepted.

be a lamp unto yourself

be a lamp unto yourself